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الحواتمة: الأردن قادر على مواجهة التحديات بفضل قيادته الهاشمية الحكيمة

الحواتمة: الأردن قادر على مواجهة التحديات بفضل قيادته الهاشمية الحكيمة
Al-Qubba News: The Director General of the Gendarmerie, Major General Hussein Mohammed Al-Hawatmeh, affirmed that Jordan is capable of confronting the challenges thanks to its wise Hashemite leadership and its security system based on complementarity and harmony between the armed forces and other security agencies. He said in a lecture at the Royal National Defense College on Tuesday, "The strategy of the gendarmerie and its position in national security": The gendarmerie and thanks to the close support given by His Majesty King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein, has been able to improve its capabilities and employ the best recruitment, Through a philosophy that combines thoughtful planning with the ability to execute with the best use of available resources. He added that political and social changes on the regional and international arenas cast a shadow over the security reality in the Kingdom, And raised new security challenges, especially with regard to the face of terrorism and bear the burden of asylum, which required dealing with these challenges with security strategies aware of the realities of the variables. Al-Hawatma explained that sustainable security can only be achieved through a national partnership based on complementarity among all state institutions, stressing that the relationship of cooperation and coordination exists between the armed forces and the security services effectively to enhance national security through a sequence of duties and roles at all strategic, operational and tactical levels. , In accordance with the Royal High Vision in this area. Major General Hawatmeh highlighted the most important security duties of the gendarmerie forces, pointing out that their work is not limited to traditional security aspects, but extends to more comprehensive dimensions dealing with economic, humanitarian and social aspects. Major General Al-Hawatmeh referred to the achievements of the Gendarmerie at the international level as one of the largest contributors to the international peacekeeping force worldwide and its chairmanship of the International Organization of Police and Gendarmerie of the Military Order (FIEP) during 2017, which came to reflect the professionalism of the forces Gendarmerie and its response to all international security standards, in particular its commitment to the principles of integrity and respect for human rights. At the end of the lecture, which was attended by the Commander of the Royal National Defense College and members of the steering committee, Major General Al-Hawatma answered the questions and questions of the scholars.
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